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== Shaders.class ==
== Shaders.class ==
Use MCP to compile Shaders.java.
== Hooks.class ==
== Hooks.class ==

Revision as of 09:00, 3 March 2011


Use MCP to compile Shaders.java.


  1. Open a command window or terminal session.
  2. Use the cd command to navigate to the mods/shaders/source directory.
  3. Compile Hooks.java with the following command if you're using Windows:
javac -cp "./minecraft.jar;../../../nitrous.jar;../contents/files" -d "../contents/hooks" Hooks.java
Use the following command if you're using *nix or Mac OS X:
javac -cp "./minecraft.jar:../../../nitrous.jar:../contents/files" -d "../contents/hooks" Hooks.java
You'll need to replace ./minecraft.jar with the path to your minecraft.jar (or copy minecraft.jar to your source directory).